Title: The Murder at Hazelmoor

Publisher: Dodd, Mead and Company

Year of publication: 1931        Publication month: July

Printed by: The Plimpton Press Norwood Massachusetts

First edition in Sweden: Mördande seans 1986 (Bonniers)
NOTE! The first Swedish edition is also published in a partial printing by Schildts.

Cover: ?

Imprint: Red Badge Books Mystery Detective No. 449-4A
NOTE! The inside of the upper cover as well as the first page states Red Badge Books Mystery Detective.
             However, the back cover as well as the front flap states Red Badge Mystery.

Binding: Hardcover with dust jacket.

Price: $ 2.00

Number of pages: 308 pages.

Main Character/Detective: Standalone (detective) novel.

Comment: Originally (at least in large parts) published in a serialised version; The Murder at Hazelmoor 1931 (Good Housekeeping).