Title: The House at Shiraz

Published in: Hearst's International Combined with Cosmopolitan

Year of publication: 1933        Publication month: April

Issue: Vol. XCIV, No. 4

Printed by: ?

Original book publication: Parker Pyne Investigates 1934 (British domestic edition) and British export edition.
Published in the US later the same year under the title Mr. Parker Pyne Detective.

First publication in Sweden: Ett hus i Schiraz 1933 (Dagens Nyheter on May 7)

Illustrator: Marshall Frantz

Sub-head: Have You Got Everything You Want? If Not, Consult Mr. Parker Pyne

Price: ?

Number of instalments: One instalment.

Main Character/Detective: Parker Pyne



1. The Dream House of Shiraz 1966 (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)