Title: The A.B.C. Murders

Publisher: Dodd, Mead and Company

Year of publication: 1936        Publication date: February 141

Printed by: ?

First edition in Sweden: ABC-morden 1938 (Bonniers detektivromaner – Softcover)
NOTE! The first Swedish edition is also published in another binding: Half cloth binding.

Cover: ?

Binding: Hardcover with dust jacket.

Price: $ 2.00

Number of pages: ?

Main Character/Detective: Hercule Poirot (together with Captain Arthur Hastings and Chief Inspector James Japp)

Comment: The (detective) novel is originally published in a serialised version; The A.B.C. Murders 1935 (Hearst's International Combined with Cosmopolitan).


1 Previously published in the UK: The A.B.C. Murders 1936 (British edition).