Title: The Man in the Brown Suit

Publisher: Dodd, Mead and Company

Year of publication: 19241

Printed by: The Quinn & Boden Company Book Manufacturers Rahway New Jersey

First edition in Sweden: Mannen i brunt 1987
NOTE! The first Swedish edition also exists in an alternative binding:
Softcover with dust jacket.

Cover: Unknown.

Binding: Hardcover with dust jacket.

Price: $2.00

Number of pages: 275 pages.

Main Character/Detective: Colonel Johnny Race.

First appearance: The (detective) novel is originally published in the UK in a serialised version in London Evening News between November 29 in 1923 and January 28 in 1924
                               under the variant title Anne the Adventurous

First book edition: The (detective) novel is first published in book form in the UK in 1924 on August 22: British edition.


1 There was no review of this (detective) novel in The New York Times until 1926.

2 There is no serialisation in the US prior to the (UK) book edition.
   However, there is a serialisation published in The Blue Book Magazine in 1924 between September and November under the same title as the book edition; The Man in the Brown Suit.