The Adventure of the Cheap Flat

Hercule Poirot's Casebook (US)



The short story is first published in the US in The Blue Book Magazine in May 1924: The Adventure of the Cheap Flat.

However, the short story is orginally published in the UK in The Sketch Magazine in 1923 on May 9 under the same title.


Alternative title:

The short story has also been published in the US several years later (in November 1965) under the title Poirot Indulges a Whim 1965 (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine).


Other US publications:

1. Poirot Investigates 1925


Publications in Sweden:

1. Den billiga våningen 1931 (Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning on April 25)

2. Äventyret med den billiga våningen 1974 (In the short story collection Poirots små grå celler)