Title: Peril at End House

Published in: Liberty Magazine

Year of publication: 1931        Publication dates: June 13 to August 22

Issues: Vol. 8, No. 24 to Vol. 8, No. 34

Printed by: ?

Original book edition: Peril at End House 1932

First edition in Sweden: Badortsmysteriet 1933 (Vårt Hems populära romaner)
NOTE! The first Swedish edition is also published in a partial printing in the series Böcker för fritiden och resan.
              A later edition is published under the title Peril at End House. Engelsk-Svensk Paragloss nr 9 (1950).
              In addition, the first unabridged edition is published under the Swedish title – Badortsmysteriet – in (2002). 

Illustrator: W. D. Stevens

Price: ?

Number of instalments: Eleven instalments.

Main Character/Detective: Hercule Poirot (together with Captain Arthur Hastings and Chief Inspector James Japp)