



The Affair at the Victory Ball 1923 (The Sketch)1 [+ KAH och JJ]

The Curious Disappearance of the Opalsen Pearls 1923 (The Sketch)2 [+ KAH och JJ]

The Adventure of the King of Clubs 1923 (The Sketch)3 [+ KAH]

The Disappearance of Mr Davenheim 1923 (The Sketch)4 [+ KAH och JJ]

The Mystery of the Plymouth Express 1923 (The Sketch)5 [+ KAH och JJ]

The Adventure of The Western Star 1923 (The Sketch)6 [+ KAH]

The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor 1923 (The Sketch)7 [+ KAH och JJ]

The Kidnapped Prime Minister 1923 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Million Dollar Bond Robbery 1923 (The Sketch)8 [+ KAH]

The Adventure of the Cheap Flat 1923 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Mystery of Hunter's Lodge 1923 (The Sketch)9 [+ KAH och JJ]

The Clue of the Chocolate Box 1923 (The Sketch)10 [+ KAH]

The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb 1923 (The Sketch)11 [+ KAH]

The Case of the Veiled Lady 1923 (The Sketch)12 [+ KAH och JJ]

The Kidnapping of Johnny Waverly 1923 (The Sketch)13 [+ KAH]

The Market Basing Mystery 1923 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman 1923 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Case of the Missing Will 1923 (The Sketch)14 [+ KAH]

The Submarine Plans 1923 (The Sketch) [+ KAH]

The Adventure of the Clapham Cook 1923 (The Sketch) [+ KAH]

The Lost Mine 1923 (The Sketch) [+ KAH]

The Cornish Mystery 1923 (The Sketch) [+ KAH]

The Double Clue 1923 (The Sketch) [+ KAH]

The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding 1923 (The Sketch)15

The Le Mesurier Inheritance 1923 (The Magpie)16 [+ KAH]



The Unexpected Guest 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Adventure of the Dartmoor Bungalow 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Lady on the Stairs 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Radium Thieves 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

In the House of the Enemy 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Yellow Jasmine Mystery 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Chess Problem 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Baited Trap 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Adventure of the Peroxide Blonde 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Terrible Catastrophe 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Dying Chinaman 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]

The Crag in the Dolomites 1924 (The Sketch) [+ KAH och JJ]



The Under Dog 1926 (The London Magazine)



Double Sin 1928 (Sunday Dispatch) [+ KAH]

Wasp's Nest 1928 (Daily Mail)



The Third Floor Flat 1929 (Hutchinson's Magazine)17 [+ KAH]


1 Publicerad under titeln The Six China Figures (1955).

2 Publicerad under titeln The Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan (1924).

3 Publicerad under titeln Beware the King of Clubs (1955).
   Anm! Därutöver även publicerad under titeln The King of Clubs (1974).

4 Publicerad under titeln Hercule Poirot, Armchair Detective (1958).

5 Publicerad under titeln The Girl in Electric Blue (1955).
   Anm! Därutöver även publicerad under titeln The Plymouth Express (1974).

6 Publicerad under titeln The Adventure of the 'Western Star' (1924).

7 Publicerad under titeln The Mystery at Marsdon Manor (1959).

8 Publicerad under titeln The Million-Dollar Bond Robbery (1933).
   Anm! Därutöver även publicerad under titeln The $1,000,000 Bond Robbery (1962).

9 Publicerad under titeln Investigation by Telegram (1958).

10 Publicerad under titeln The Time Hercule Poirot Failed (1963).
     Anm! Därutöver även publicerad under titeln The Chocolate Box (1974).

11 Publicerad under titeln The Next Victim (1959).

12 Publicerad under titeln The Veiled Lady (1935).
     Anm! Därutöver även publicerad under titeln The Chinese Puzzle Box (1961).

13 Publicerad under titeln The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly (1974).

14 Publicerad under titeln Where There's a Will (1959).

15 Publicerad under titeln Christmas Adventure (1943).

16 Publicerad under titeln The Lemesurier Inheritance (1974).

17 Publicerad under titeln Third Floor Flat (1958).