Death by Drowning

Short story



The short story is first published in Nash's Pall Mall Magazine (UK) in 1931 (No. 462): Death by Drowning.

In the US, there is no publication prior to the one in the short story collection published in 1933.


Alternative title:

The short story has also been published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (US) in 1957 (Vol. 30, No. 6) under the title Village Tragedy.


Publications in short story collections:

1. The Thirteen Problems 1932 (British edition)
    Published in the US the following year under the title The Tuesday Club Murders.


Publications in Sweden:

1. Motivet 1932 (Allers Familj-Journal No. 7)

2. Drunknad 1943 (Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning on October 30)

3. Döden i floden 1990 (In the short story collection Miss Marples mysterier)

4. Döden i floden 2015 (En novell från Novellix 69)

    Comment: The short story is also published under the original title in the short story collection Miss Marple. The Complete Short Stories (2016-2017) in various formats.