The Fourth Man 1940 (The Sunday Sun and Guardian)
The Gipsy 1940 (The Sunday Sun and Guardian)
The Horses of Diomedes 1940 (The Strand Magazine "Colonial Edition")1
The Apples of the Hesperides 1940 (The
Strand Magazine "Colonial Edition")2
The Hound of Death 1941 (Wireless Weekly)
The Last Seance 1942 (The World's News)
The Stolen Rubens 1942 (The Australien Women's Weekly)3
Birds of Ill Omen 1942 (The Australian
Women's Weekly)4
Scandal in High Places 1942 (The Australian Women's Weekly)5
Many-Headed Monster 1942 (The Australian Women's Weekly)6
The Great Flock 1942 (The Australian
Women's Weekly)7
Alpine Rendezvous 1943 (The Australian
Women's Weekly)8
Pekingese Mystery 1943 (The Australian Women's Weekly)9
"The Arcadian Deer" 1945 (The Australian Women's Weekly)10
Accident 1947 (Short Story Magazine)
Three Blind Mice 1949 (The Australian Women's Weekly)
The Sign in the Sky 1949 (Truth [Sydney])
Voice in the Dark 1949 (Truth [Sydney])
1 Publicerad i tidskriftsformat under
titeln The Colonel's Daughters (1942).
2 Publicerad i tidskriftsformat under
titeln The Borgia Goblet (1942).
3 Publicerad i novellsamling under
titeln The Girdle of Hyppolita (1948).
4 Publicerad i novellsamling under
titeln The Stymphalean Birds (1948).
5 Publicerad i novellsamling under
titeln The Augean Stables (1948).
6 Publicerad i novellsamling under
titeln The Lernean Hydra (1948).
7 Publicerad i novellsamling under
titeln The Flock of Geryon (1948).
8 Publicerad i novellsamling under
titeln The Erymanthian Boar (1948).
9 Publicerad i novellsamling under
titeln The Nemean Lion (1948).
10 Publicerad i novellsamling under
titeln The Arcadian Deer (1948)