The Incredible Theft

Short story


Original publication:

There is no publication prior to the one in the short story collection published in 1937.

In the US the short story is first published in Mackill's Mystery Magazine in 1953 (Vol. 2, No. 6).


Alternative version:

The short story is earlier published in a shorter version as part seven in the second series of The Grey Cells of M. Poirot under the titel The Submarine Plans in The Sketch Magazine (UK) on December 7 in 1923 (No. 1606).


In book form, the short story is represented in:

1. Murder in the Mews and Other Stories 1937 (British Edition)

2. Hercule Poirot's Casebook 1984 (American short story collection)


Publications in Swedish:

1. Ett hot mot rikets säkerhet 1989 (In the short story collection En bra kväll för mord. Fem fall för Hercule Poirot)

    Comment 1: The short story is also appears in radio format: The Incredible Theft 1938 (Radio short story)

    Comment 2: The short story is also published as an audio book: Ett hot mot rikets säkerhet 2018.