Wasp's Nest

Short story


Original publication:

The short story is first published in Daily Mail (UK) on November 20 in 1928.

In the US the short story is first published in Detective Story Magazine on March 9 in 1929 (Vol. 108, No. 3) under the title The Worst of All.


In book form, the short story is represented in:

1. Double Sin and Other Stories 1961 (American short story collection)

2. Poirot's Early Cases 1974 (British Edition)
    Published in the US later the same year under the title Hercule Poirot's Early Cases.

3. Hercule Poirot's Casebook 1984 (American short story collection)


Publications in Swedish:

1. Getingboet 1963 (Lektyr No. 14)

2. Getingboet 1989 (In the short story collection En bra kväll för mord. Fem fall för Hercule Poirot)

3. Hercule Poirot och mysteriet med getingboet 2003 (Hemmets Veckotidning No. 32)

4. Getingboet 2009 (Hemmets Veckotidning No. 30)

    Comment: The short story is also published as an audio book: Getingboet 2018.