Title: They Came to Baghdad

Publisher: Dodd Mead and Company

Year of publication: 19511

Printed by: ?

Svensk originalutgåva: En flicka kom till Bagdad 1953 (En thriller från Bonniers)
Not.! Originalpubliceringen i Sverige förekommer i följetongsformat under titeln Natt i Bagdad 1951-1952 (Hela Världen).

Cover: Hoffman.

Imprint: Red Badge Detective Mystery

Binding: Hardcover with dust jacket.

Price: $ 2.50

Number of pages: 218 pages.

Main Character/Detective: Victoria Jones

First appearance: The (detective) novel is originally published in the UK in a serialised version in John Bull in 1951 between January 13 and March 3 under the same
                               title as the book edition; They Came to Baghdad.

First book edition: The (detective) novel is first published in book form in the UK in 1951 on March 5: British edition.